Judge: Henning Schenk, DE 
Best female+BOB+New DKCH: Chanelle Shi-Kin - Best female 2: Orinell's Never Say Never Best Female 3: Grazioso's One Wilma Zu'tzungle Best female 4: Peli's Deuxieme Tinga To Flensborg
Best male 1+BOS: CH Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion 2.+Cert: Simauta Dess Messing 3+Jun.Cert: Piuk Chow Paradise A Place On Earth 4.: CH Miketilla Monte Carlo :
Best Baby: Grazioso's Pure Star Zu'tzungle Best baby male: Piuk Chow A Paradise Of Happiness Best puppy: Diamond Suprime Sterlingsheer
Best junior male+jun.cert.: Piuk Chow Paradise A Place On Earth Best junior male 2 with CK: Stagebo's Evening Star Ba-Tong's Nichos The Noble One-VG
Best male 2+Cert: Simauta Dess Messing Open class male 1: ApaschePasco Best Veteran+vet.cert.:CH Orinell's Ego Trip
Jun.female 1: Orinell's Never Say Never 2. Ba-Tong's Anuska-ain't she sweet 3. Dian Shan Hall Of Fame Akcentas Stagebo's Elusive Butterfly - without coat
Dian Shan Hall Of Fame Akcentas 1.Champ.female+Club.cert: CH Orinell's Live Your Dream 2.Champ.female: CH Stagebo's Angel Of The Morning