Judge: Mette Maj Lindorff, DK 
BIR (tv): CH Bidachows Amazing Armani - BIM: CH Stagebo's Angel Of The Morning
 Best Baby: Stagebo's Evening Star Best puppy: Peli's Deuxieme Tinga To Flenborg Best Veteran: CH Bidachows Irresistible Igucci
Stagebo's Elusive Butterfly (P) Best Babybitch 1. April 2. Stagebo's Eye Of The Tiger
Best dog 1. CH Bidachows Amazing Armani 2. CH Bai Ling Pei's Apollo The Moonwalker 3. JunCert+Cert Ba-Tong's Magic Master Mongo
  Gambler Grozio Akcentas Excl 1.Open Red Bandit de los Perros de Bigo VG 2.Intermed.
Junior bitch 1.+ ResCert+ Best Bitch 3: Alisja - 2. Excl.CK: Grazioso's One Wilma Zu'tzungle Stagebo's Do Wah Diddy Diddy (G)
Best bitch 1. Cert CH Stagebo's Angel Of The Morning 2. CH Dai Lan Zung Tsung Le 3. JunCert+Res.Cert Alisja 4. Bao-Fang's Hong-Se Yue-Liang New Champion: CH Stagebo's Angel Of The Morning