VOJENS, DCCK 22.06.2013, DK
Judge: Dr.Wilfried Peper, Deutschland
BOB CH Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion BOS Orinell´s Here She Comes Best puppy Peli´s Cindy For Flensborg Progenyclass after CH Mi-Pao´s Red Sumac
  Chan-Lo´s Fool For Your Love Best female 4 - Nørskov´s Glitter Bomb Stagebo´s A Kiss From A Rose - Excl.4 Stagebo´s Angel Of The Morning -Excl.2
Liusu Bei Bonchi - Excl.3 Stagebo´s Zip Code-Excl.2 Mi-Pao´s Honeysuckle Rose Excl.3 Peli´s Zakaya Of Flensborg-Cert.-Best female 3