Judge: Urte Tamaseviciute, Lithuania
 BOB Hsing Kou's Master Manny (tv)-BOS Peli's Deuxieme Tinga To Flensborg Babypuppies 1.Bakkebo's Royal Roxanna 2.Peli's Hochiko To Flensborg
Best puppy Bon Triumph Number One Champion 1.CH Stagebo's Zip Code 2.CH Chan-Lo's From Me To You
Veteran 1.CH Chowhill's Gandor 2.Hsiung Kou's Yueh Hsin Te Best intermedia Banvin Fun Zoey
Babymales 1.Peli's Hochiko To Flensborg 2.Nørskov's Kahana Supremo 3.Bakkebo's Rain Man Bakkebo's Rain Man
Junior females 1.Hsiung Kou's Miss Malika 2.Nørskov's Just The One 3.Bakkebo's Queen Of Quality Open dog 1.Nørskov's Here Comes Happiness
Champ.males 1.CH Chan-lo's From Me To You 2.CH Ba-Tong's Magic Master Mongo Champion females 1.CH Stagebo's Zip Code 2.CH Peli's Citta To Flensborg
 Best bitch 1.Peli's Deuxieme To Flensborg 2.Hsiung Kou's Miss Maliilka 3.Nørskov's Just The One 4.Banvin Fun Zoey Veteran male 1.CH Chowhill's Gandor 2.Hary-Ming Yalu Smooth
 Veteran 1.CH Chowhill's Gandor 2.Hsiung Kou's Yueh Hsin Te Child (under 10 year) and dog
 Child (over 10 year) and dog Coffee and cake