Judge: Dogs + BIS: Philip Behan, Ireland
Judge: Bitches + BIS puppy: Gail H. Forsythe, Canada

(unfortunately only some of the chows due to camera problems)
 BIS puppy Diamond She Te Chows
Fire's Son Dei Leoni Imperiali Lux-Chow's Ambassador Of Velvet Dreams
Baby males
Babymale 1.+ BIS puppy Diamond Shen Te Chows 2.Emotional Dream Dei Leoni Imperiali Emotional Dream Dei Leoni Imperiali

Love Is On The Air At Tin Pan Alley Baby female 1-4
 Baby females Junior males
 Junior males Junior males 1-4
 Junior females 1-4 Bailey Dei Leoni Imperiali (left)
Dgulideil Eldorado Rendel Rebel Rouser Jackpot Of The Blue Mystery For Cunami
Giovani males 1-4 L&A Goodtymes Witchy Woman
Nørskov's Just The One Giovani female 1-4
Veteran male 1-3 CH Miketilla Monte Carlo - CH Piuk Chow Possesses Black Passion
Champion male 1-4 (BOB 1.CH Legend Of The Black Diamond Dei Leoni Imperiali)
 Champion female 1-4 CH Bon Triumph Tiffany BOS Cac Bon Triumph Ice Lolly (right) Res.Cac Happy Blue Pearl Shensi For Tassino

 All results on ANICC's website