Judges: Kresten Scheel, DK + Igor Selimovic, Croatia (females)
BOB Worldwinner male Cacib CH Tin Pan Alley Can Can Charlie-Junior Worldwinner female Cert.Agata Kristi Liüto Guolis Worldwinner female Cacib Pei Fang Penny Lane At Sherae-Res.cacib Pei Fang Eyecatcher 
Worldwinner BOB+Cacib CH Tin Pan Alley Can Can Charlie-Res.Cacib+Cert.Moima Alberto Tomba A Woldwinner is taking a break
Youth World Winner female+Cert.Agata Kristi Liüto Guolis Youth World Winner male Grand Boubou Barrymore Best puppy Tin Pan Alley Fly Me To The Moon 
Best breeder group Chan-Lo-CH Chan-Lo´s A Kind Of Magic-Chan-Lo´s A Winters Tale-Chan-Lo´s A Thing Call Love-CH Chan-Lo´s A Taste Of Honey-Chan-Lo´s Bang A Boomerang 
Puppy male 2.Las Vegas Lietuvos Liutas 3.Bon Triumph Jean Puppy female-Bon Triumph Zara Best puppy (left) Tin Pan Alley Fly Me To The Moon-Best female puppy To Shih Te Vom Leng Chi Lou 
Champ.-male 1. CH Tin Pan Alley Can Can Charlie 2. CH Rossy  Cream Colombo 3. CH Bidachows Gentle Gibson 4. CH Orinell´s Extra Extra 
CH.male exc. CH Wiski Blek Djalo Champ.male exc. CH Stagebo´s Twist And Shout Champ.male CH Quiet Please Dei Leoni Imperiali 
Junior male 2. Tread Mark Del Fiume Giallo 3. Simauta Dess Logris Interm.male 1. Pei Fang Jackpot 2. Warrior Legend De La Yakka 3. Chowhill´s Gandor 4. Tin Pan Alley Easy Rider For Timang 
Open male 
Open male Open male 1. Moima Alberto Tomba 2. Di Ka Tchou Zung Tzung Le Open male 3.Yönhaltijain Dernyn Mörri 4.Bon Triumph Sugar White 
 Open male exc.CH Baboo Bandi Champ.female 1. CH Piuk Chow Missies Victoria Princess 2.CH Cahn-Lo´s A Kind Of Magic 
Champ.female 3. Ch Bagira Zolotogo Priiska champ.female 
Junior female 1.Agata Kristi Liüto Guolis 2.Nørskov´s Ding Dong Dixie Junior female 3.Royal Crystal Del Fiume Giallo 4.Xiao-Xing Oelan Oede 
Intermedia female Interm.female 2.Pei Fang Eyecatcher 
Interm.female 3.Chan-Lo´s Bang A Boomerang 4.Bao-Fang´s Fen-Hong-Se Nu Shi Open female 1.Bon Triumph Virgina 2.Bidachows Lovely Lady Lilly 
Open female 3.Chan-Lo´s A Thing Call Love 4.CH Chan-Lo´s A Taste Of Honey